Friday, October 16, 2009

FINAL DESTINATION 3D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

today for no partcular reason my whole family and i decided to go and watch final destination 3D. i was excited cause ITS IN 3D! like the stuff is literally gonna fly at your face and its like wooooooww........... (not to mention the lasttime my WHOLE family went to go movies was when i was 5 i think and it was to watch the mummy XD maybe i was a bit older BUT I CANT REMEMBER)

it was soooo nasty and gorrishly sexy. but i gotta say it was a little disappointing since i thought itd be like nastier than final destination 2(best final destination movie so far). this was a little less gorry but since it was in 3D it made it better.

it was sooo funny watching my family watch it. my cousin (mr skinny) was like moving around and trying to dodge the flying objects (i tried to dodge it too but by the time i reacted i would of been dead) my other cousin (ba tam) was lifting her 3D glasses when someone was about to die so that the images dont start flying to her face and my mum started screaming each time something went fying to her face.

it'd be totally awesome if new moon was in 3D. like pure jacob black and his sexy ass abs. if that were to happen, id probably bring bucket so i dont drool all over the place and id probably start feeling the abs. (laugh my ass off if i accidently started rubbing the head of the person in front of me XD)

anywhoo that is the end of my eventful night

nite nite
frm doodie

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

a bloody situation

a while ago i asked my friend pornstar (aka mrs johnston/mrs roddick/mrs rob) to assist me in drawing up the menu for the restaurant and she claimed i misinformed her the size of the board.
(not my fault you said yes before i explained it all.... heehee.....xD) anywhoo today was the day i brought it over (would of brought it over on sunday but the issue of kobe saying he was gonna do it and then got lazy so i had to take it over today =.='') .

i came over around 10:00 am but ran off again because we didnt have white chalk and pornstar kept complaining that she wanted white chalk to make the board look sexy. so i actually came at 11:00 am instead (got dragged to grocery shopping) an we didnt start till 12:00 pm because we had pancakes.

it took 8 long as hours and we managed to produce this little piece of art (id call it a piece of pain in the ass cause it TOOK SOO FREAKEN LONG!!! )
anywhoo here is the finishing product. (please ignore the feet XD)

(the brave little chalks that went to war and came home a hero.....)

anywhoo thats all for tonight
nite nite
fr doodie