Tuesday, September 8, 2009

THE BLACK PLAGUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MY FAMILY IS GETTING SICK!! its like one by one each person is getting plucked and being SHOT BY THE FLU!!!! first it started off with my little niece (the one in my dp) having just a mild runny nose... the sudden BANG!!!! the next day my sister (pikaboo) started to get the runny nose and now she is passed out in her room and now ODing in her room using the vics air vapouriser.

Soon after the next day my cousin got gang banged by the flu and she KOed for practically the whole day and she was coughing on everyone. then the day after that my other sister (thiendiep) had been defeated by the lord of all germs and layed still in her room, with piles of blankets on her to keep her warm, and the tv to keep her entertained, and the shit load of pills beside her to revive her slowly.

It seem like there was no hope for my family. everyone was being sick and there was nothing that could be done. my daddy decided to use the vics air vapouriser just hoping that the sickness will end there and spare the rest of the house members, but the germ gave no mercy and started attacking my other cousin (mr skinny). he is badly injured but still breathing.

the remaining survivors awaits for the germs to attack in hope that our super sexy immune system will defend against the vile mutated ugly looking germs. my mother and father, my other sister (miyu), my dog and i are the only survivors left that havent been infected but only time will tell if we truely live to tell the story. so this is doodie signing off and hopefully not the last.

nite nite
frm doodie

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