Tuesday, December 15, 2009


TODAY IS THE DAY IM LEAVING TO VIETNAM FOR 5 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!! right now i do not have a clue what to write about so im just gonna say that IM GONNA BE SOO POOR WHEN I GET BACK CAUSE IM GONNA GO ON A HARDCORE SHOPPING SPREE AND BE A HARDCORE POV ASIAN WHEN I GET BACK!!!! AND IT SUCHS CAUSE IM GONNA MISS OUT MY ENTIRE SUMMER HOLIDAYS AND MISS OUT A SHIT LOAD EVENTS!! such as my bestfriends birthday, my sisters bfs sisters bday, CHRISTMAS (even though i dont celebrate it BUT I WAS PLANNING ON MAKING ONE ANYWAY), OMG BOXING DAY SHOPPING!! ;'(, AND THE NEW YEAR!!!! anywhoo as my last words in Melbourne i would like to say......

frm doodie


  1. I MISS YOU ALREADY BUDDY. HOW IS IT UP THERE? Think of the positives... you're a millionaire in vietnam LOL.btw the jersey boys are playing at the men's final of the aussie open ROFL why couldn't they get green day or something XD Goodbye my overseas friend T__T

  2. bb mummy I'll take good care of kira for you.muahahahahhaha

  3. :O jersey boys can be smexy.... CHERRRY CHERRY MERRY XD and why the evil laugh ha daughter?? =.O"
