Sunday, November 22, 2009


OWOWOWOWOOWOWOWOWOWOWOOWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FINALLY GOT TO SEE MY SEXY HALF NAKED ON A WIDE SCREEN CINEMA!!!! (as you all seen on my blog i have a huge obsession with taylor lautner) the movies that i watched today were the time travelers wife and new moon. new moon was better than twilight but still pretty crap due to the bad acting *cough kirsten stewart cough* even though its my opinion but like doodus, SHES SUCH A SHIT ACTRESS EVEN THOUGH SHE FITS THE PART OF BELLA SWAN XD ANYWAY.... in this chapter i shall retell a story how i nearly came face to face with the grim reaper and encountered death. (not really, just wanted to make it sound dramatic xD)

it all started when i received an instant message from pornstar at 11:30 am who wanted to watch new moon and the time travelers wife but we didnt know how we would manage to watch it all and be home by 7. we had come a conclusion that if we make it to crown by 12:30, we would make it to the 12:30 session for new moon. which was quite a pickle due to that WE'D HAVE TO LEAVE NOW IN OUR HOBO CLOTHES AND TRAIN IT THERE. a quick thinker as a i was (was really arguing with pornstar for like a good 20 minutes before figuring it out XD) i asked my beloved (more like enemy) sister (miyu) to drive us to the cinema. luckily she is currently working at crown, therefore making it convenient for her to assist us there where she can accompany us in our journey and later depart.

we arrived in crown at 12:40 with only missing a few minutes of the movie and pornstar was delighted to see her sexy edward cullen on during the time. this is when the countdown had began and my end was near. miyu had warned me not to do anything for the next 2 minutes but i was too thirsty so i decided to ignore her warning and took a sip from my frozen coke. in that instant jacob black had took his top off revealing his canvas structured abs and thats when i saw a bright light but i could hear my sister calling me to come back and i i fought my way back to the living. (i actually just choked on my drink as soon as he took his top off and my sister was laughing at me =.='') i tried oh so hard to listen and watch the complexity and passion of the movie but the canvas abs kept hypnotizing me and made me gaze into them whenever they appeared. (aka as soon as jacob black appeared, eyes flied straight to the abs. as you can see i wasnt really paying attention to the movie at all. XD)

could you blame me for almost dying looking at this?? XD

at 2:30 the movie had finished and the next movie would begin in an hour so we decided have a little snack (which was sui gao noodle soup XD) but before we ate, miyu wanted to go to FCUK to purchase a new cardigan that she considered purchasing a while back. whilst patiently waiting (more like getting agro) pornstar and i decided to entertain ourselves by taking a couple for pictures of ourselves to pass the time.

bored asians XD

40 minutes had passed and the next thing i remembered, pornstar and i was running for our lives. pornstar had lost her wallet back in the cinema and we ran back to retrieve it but the guards that was protecting the fortress refused to let us pass and stated they did not see any wallet like object. so the only thing me could do was wait... wait in hope that it'd still be there, waiting for someone to return it, hoping that no thieve would have taken it and use it for their own wellbeing.

we returned back to miyu and had our snack and then went to go and watch our next movie, the time travelers wife. instead of going straight into the cinema i went into the previous cinema to search for pornstars wallet. being a lady i was all quiet, poise and invisible when i was searching for it (actually i made alot of noise, moved the curtains everywhere and flashed the light under the chairs where people were sitting and watching the movie, so all they had to do was look down and they would instantly see a bright light under their seat.... i wonder if they would of screamed to death?? XD) there were 2 civilians who had noticed me doing this but they did not pursue me... just sat there and stared (probably thought i was trying to take pictures under the peoples skirt or something XD) after minutes on end of searching for it, i was about to lose hope and surrender but my wondering hands managed to stumble upon a square like object and there it was... THE WALLET WAS FOUND (i swear to god pissed me off cause it was standing up and leaning on the staircase... =.='') after that pornstar, miyu and i enjoyed the rest of the day watching the time travelers wife. (was a sad movie)

it was 6:30 when my sister had to depart from us due to she had other plans (work) which left pornstar and i to fend for ourselves in this dangerously haunted city. luckily we managed to find some assistance from the civilian and just as we knew it, we were on our way home in the polar express just in time for supper. this concludes another chapter of epic tales of a bored asian girl.

nite nite
frm doodie.


  1. LOL you made our trip back home sound like we were escaping from Mordor ==" .. MR FRODO!!

  2. duhh..... it is afteral EPIC tales of a BORED asian girl XD
